The weekend

A few things to note this easter weekend.
I watched Juno. Great movie if you havent seen it. I actually cried during that movie. WTF!!! I know, I was laughing at myself afterward to, so it is ok if you laugh at (with) me.

I went down to the bay, and saw my family for Easter. It was cool, but the traffic was not great. The thing about the trip was that my Grandpa is losing his faculties. He is nearly blind, cant even watch TV. His hearing aid went out, so he cant hear much. He couldnt even recognize me from across the table. My grandpa is 92 and other than these things he is in great shape. It just breaks my heart to think that this man who is literally a genius, and has spent his entire life making things with his hands and being active can no longer do these things. He said to me, "it sure makes for long days" He is sad about it, I can hear it in his voice. My grandma has been so great in taking care of him, but it is still sad. I think I will try and visit him a bit and read to him or spend some time with him. He is a WW II veteran, he has built race cars, he grew up on a farm, and lived a pretty amazing life. I'd like to listen to his stories. and read him a few also.

Just reminds me that life is prescious.

