Wednesday - Turkey Day

On the way into work today, I almost hit a wild turkey running across the middle of hte road. That wouldnt be so strange if it was on baseline, the country road I take into work in the morning. But it was a block from my station in West Sacramento. Not exactly a breeding grounds for wild turkeys. Being that Thanksgiving is in fact my favorite holiday, and I saw a Turkey run out from my cars path on my way in, I have decided that today, April 1st is yet another Thanksgiving. I cant think of any cool name for it thouhg. thanksgiving the II ? More Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving part Deux? Whatever, the point is, I askedm myself two very important (not really) questions. The first of course, "what the fuck is a Turkey doing in the street in West Sacramento?" And the second, upon a few seconds of word association with Turkey, and then to thanksgiving, and then to what am I thankful for, I asked myself, what am I thankful for? It is important, especially in times like these, where everyone seems to be stressed about money, or keeping there job, or losing there house, or paying bills that we take some time to think about all that we are thankful for. I was able to list of a number of things almost immediately, nad I am super happy that I did, because I just made sure that this 2urkey Day (does that work) is going to be a good one. So, here are some of the things that I have been thankful for in no particular order
1. My new roommate Kelly. She kicks ass and she paid her rent on time
2. My job, even though times are tough, I am happy ot have my job, and some exciting things are happening
3. Coffee - I absolutely love my coffee in the morning, it is my favorite time of the day
4. my training sessions - I have only been twice, but I am learning a lot of new stuff that will help me in my excercise regimen and it has kept me focused
5. friend and family - I think when during these rough times people start taking a closer look at what is important and many are surprised to realize that money doesnt make them happy but hanging out wiht people they enjoy does. Crazy right?
6. Last Hill Before Home - the fundraiser has been an integral part of my growth over the last 4 or 5 months, and I am so thankful to feel a part of something so great.
7. God - whatever your conception of God is, I am thannkful for mine, my faith has allowed me to face adversity with courage, and courage gives strength to walk throuhg fear. Fear can be dibilitating
8. my blog - I like that I can write. I enjoy it, and I dont really give a shit if people read it, though I like when they do, and comment! :-)
9. love - I am thankful that I can see and experience love in my life on a daily basis. I think that is why we live, and if we open our eyes, love is all around us, and we can be a part of it if we want to be
10. the turkey's keen ability to dodge my car - I am thankful I didnt run that turkey over.

Whatever the f?%#$ it was doing in the street in West Sac, I dont know if I'll ever know. Either way, it was cool thinking that some things in life may be tough right now, but fuck all that, I am pretty damn happy regardless. I got coffee, I am able to eat, excercise, spend time with friends, and live. All of which constitutes a pretty kick ass life. Opportunities are there, we create them. What are you going to create today?


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