
So I capped off what would be considered a very good, fun, and productive weekend by sitting wiht my roommate Kelly and watching Twighlight, and eatnig caramel popcorn. I have never had caramel popcorn, but apparently it is on of Kelly's favorites things. It was pretty good, but i couldnt eat much of it. The movie itself, was alright. I gotta admit, I was tired as shit when I sat down to watch it nad it kept me interested, and up the entire time. The acting was poor, and the people in it werent as good looking as everyone was making em out to be, but over all the movie was alright. I think it was the allure of vampires, and the possibility that some cool, bloody, gruesome killing was gonna go down at some point that kept me in it. that or I was waiting for them to either make ht girl a vampire, or have her for breakfast. Eaither way, I am going to bed satisfied. It was worht the watch for sure.
Other cool things I did this weekend. I played baseball, turned a double play by myself, struck out two batters while pitching, and was safe on two head first slides. I planted a garden that I have been talking about for over a year, I trimmed rosebushes, painted my motorcycle wheels, did laundry, cleaned my room, pulled weeds, got by bbq set up for the summer, had a training session with my trainer, had coffee and good conversation with my friend wendy, visited her at her house today and had chocolate chip cookies which were awesome, and played some video games online. All in all, it was a great weekend. I hope it carries over to the week.
Weird, the smallest simplest shit makes me happy these days. I am happy.
It feels good.

