33 for ME!

Today is my birthday! I am now officially (or soon as I think my birth time was around 1pm or so) 33 years old. or 33 years youngg. However you want to look at it. I have already started off with a great morning. I woke up early, about 5 am and rather than going to the gym as is my usual in the mornings, I decided this morning I would spend it with my dog, and take her out for a walk before the sun comes up. She loves that, and I love watching her run around so happy. Even though its dark, I still see her flashing around here and there when she is close. I then got ready for work, and decided that today, I would treat myself, and I would go and eat breakfast at my favorite spot. I enjoyed a waffle, eggs, sausage, and coffee. All that, and I still made it to work on time. Now today at work is gonna be busy. I have to make cold calls, and I have to make lots of them. Oh well, it will be ok.
I have already received tons of B-day love. Text messages, cards, dinner last night, emails, etc. Makes me feel special, and it is a bit humbling. I am asked if I feel older, if I feel old period, and what I think 33 holds. Well I have said all along that 09 is the year of change. I think that 33 is going to be the best year of my life so far. Really, there is nothing that is not possible this year. I am positioned to make my life into anything that I want, and I have learned or am learning how to tkae the action necessary to make it how I want it to be. I have no idea what it holds in store, I do know that it will be FUN! It will have ADVENTURE! I will smile and laugh lots, like a whole lot. It will be full of LOVE. Friends. Family. and trips long and short, near and far. It will be filled with success stories, challenges, set backs (a few I'm sure, and temporary of course :-) ) and all sorts of unknowns. I feel young. I feel like my life is just beginning. The last 3 years of my life have been so full of life, and ups and downs, and learning, and it has been amazing. I cant even imaging what this year holds in store, when considering everything that the last few years hve included. That is the beauty of 33 for me. The unknown. Not jus the unknown, but the surrender, and acceptance, and the faith, in the unknown. Bring it on 33. Lets fuckin do this! We'll rock! No doubt!
"How do you feel?" I feel born, alive, vital, positive, loving, happy, sincere, strong, and I feel ready. 09 is the year of change. What is 33? Stick around we'll find out. :0)


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