When the light bulb goes off

So sometimes it takes people sitting in their own discomfort their own Dis-Ease if you will, to actaully get off their ass and do somethign about it. I am one of those poeple sometimes. I have been sittin and stewing the last few weeks, kind of in a funk of sorts. Maybe that is why I havent been posting as much, who knows. A few things to note. I dont give myself much credit very often. I look for outside sources for internal fullfillment. And I get pissed when shit doesnt happen RIGHT NOW. I have made great strides in all three departments, but it seems these are some of my "life lessons" and I continue to encounter them along my path of life, and each time, I am asked to learn something further from them, and allow myself to once again grow, and learn at a new level, from the point of my life that I am in now. So now the light bulb seems to have gone off. I am working on many things in my life right now. Every day, I am taking small steps towards at least one of my goals, if not more. Over the weekend, I actually did quite a bit. Every day it is something. what I have gotten away from, and what I am trying to bring myself back to, is not being in the moment. I have slipped away from being in the moment during my task, and started focusing on the result I was going for rather than that act(s) themselves. Then I started having expectations about when results should start happening, then I started gettin frustrated whne they werent, and so the downward spiral starts. So I caught myself yesterday, after some very strong, and direct persuasion from my therapist, doing something that I hate. Something that I am easily able to point out when other people do it, and was kind of blown away during my own realization that I was doing it. Sitting, and copmlaining about my life being at a "stand still" and not knowing what direction to go. Whining about not wanting to go in any direction, if I didnt know it was the right one. The message I got yesterday, was just start doing something, anyhting, adn the answers will start t ocome. I am not allowed to sit and whine, and be malcontent when I ahve the ability to begin taking action, and doing someting about it. Then I cant get so caught up in the "when" of the results. I have to be happy just taking the action adn then having faith. This is something that was so evident during my ride in panama, and I have had to be reminded of during the last couple of weeks. So the light bulb has gone off, and I am feeling pretty good about that. It is strange that at the oddest of times, a simple message gets through and you have an "AH HAH" moment. I love it.
So here is to walking with the light on.


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