Nick and Norah's infinite playlist

Well I just finished watching Nick and Norah's infinite playlist, and what a great movie. I mean, it wasnt oscar worthy or anything, but it was still a great movie. It capped off what was definitely an amazing, and full weekend. I had so much to do, and I was able to get it all done, and still have time to write, and watch a movie, and hang out with my friend. I got almost all of my "to do" list done.
So, some of you may know, wait does anyone even read my blog anymore hahaha. Anyway, I rented out the master bedroom of my house and my new roommate is moving in next weekend. I am going out of town, so I had to get all my stuff out of the room, clean it, and get it ready for the move in. This weekend I was able to do that. I am now all set up in my new room. I gotta say, it is a bit weird sleeping in a new room in my own house. I dont mind it so much though. I am actually kind of excited with the way the room is turning out. I think I got it set up pretty cool. the whole move really motivated me, well it actually forced me to do soem things I had been putting off. I cleaned all of Dannys stuff out, adn boxed it all up to send to him. I went through my closet and threw out tons of old stuff, that I dont need anymore. I downsized I guess you could call it. I moved some furniture around, hung pictures in different spots, cleaned out my hall closet, and rearranged the other room which also turned out pretty cool.
Things in my life have been so wild lately. things are happening just by thinking about them. things are turning out ok, when I was freaking about them only to calm myself and believe they would be ok, and then ta dah! they are. I was asked if I was mad that I had to rent out my master bedroom, and I was surprised by my answer. The truth is, ideally, I wouldnt have to move out, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Frankly, I probably wouldnt have ever done teh massive clean out that I had just done this weekend had I not been foreced to, so I am ok with it. I like my new digs, and I got it set up pretty cool, and so I am actually pretty grateful. I am looking forwad to having a roommate. I know sounds crazy right? Well, I have never lived alone. I have always had roommates. Growing up, I shared a room with my brothers, and we alway had a ton of people at my house. Then roommates, everywher I lived. I actually like living with people. I dont need to be their best friend or anyhting, but it just makes the house feel more like a home, more lived in. I just am going ot have to be careful about walking around in underwear, or naked or anyhting. hahaha. and playing my music loud, etc.
I am learning a lot of new things about myself and about life lately. I am learning to let go, and just believe and have faith. I am learning how to align my thoughts and my chocies with my goals, adn then ACTUALLY TAKE STEPS towards them. I am learning to let go, to surrender to life. Stop holding on so tightly to things, that their is less struggle in surrender, in fact their is no struggle in surrender. I also realize that there is humility, and no cowardice in surrender. I am learnig to be at peace, and at the same time, learning a lot about what things bring me joy, happiness, and fullfillment. It is a good feeling.
On a different note, and what all of these have to do with one another I have no idea, today I got to go for a walk in the rain, and I brought my dog shadow. It was not pouring rain out, it was a hard drizzle, and at some points actually raining, but not to bad. It had been raining on and off all night ,adn we went out about noon or so today. I love walking in the rain. If I am dressed for it, and not in jeans, I LOVE IT. It goes right up there with naps. I love naps to, as I am sure you know if you've read my blog before. Shadow had SOOO much fun today, adn I realized that she and I ahve that in common, that we like the weather a bit rainy, and windy, and enjoy going for walks in the rain. Shadow is almost 8 years old now, and I hvent seen her run through the fieleds and splash through the puddles the way she did today in ages. I dont remember seeing her so happy, and so excited. I felt so full of life, and so full of love and excitement just watching her run and fully enjoy herself today in the rain, in the puddles and fields. She was running fast, zigging and zagging, with her nose to the gorund. Since she had some knee surgeries a few years ago, I havent seen her run like she did today. It was so much fun to watch, and made my walk in the rain that much more enjoyable. I was thinking of taking a photo, or some video, but I didnt want to take away from the moment, by trying to capture it. So you'll hve to trust me, that it would have lit the heart of anyone, watching her in all her gusto, loving the rain. Me, I just walked, slowly, smiling often, thinking to myself how fricken lucky I was to be able to be out there with my dog, on this georgeous rainy day wiht my cup of coffee, enjoying the weather.
I loved it. and I wanted to share it with you.
thanks for reading.
