Final hours in Panama

So I was sitting down in the hammock hanging out in the morning, before my cab came to take me to the airport. I had my ipod on shuffle, staring out at the clouds and letting my mind drift. It is a weird transition, my feelings were so mixed. I feel like I have undergone a transformation of sorts, a shift in consciousness, or perspective or something. I am not sure what that will look like as I move forward. I was also feeling this weird "in between" type of feeling. I mean, I am done with the ride, and will be going back home. The last two weeks of riding, and putting together things for the fundraiser, and then doing the ride, I was so in the moment or very present almost the entire time. Now that I am leaving, it seems there is this lull. What is next? Where is my enthusiasm? What will I do next? How can I keep this fire going? I sat with that for a while, and thought a lot about it on my way home. What I found out was that what I was feeling was the come down from the beginnig, but also had the realization that it was jsut that, a beginning. This is no where near completed, there is still so much to do. I get to start getting excited,a dn carry this enthusiasm into my life at home. I have been tasked with contacting corporate sponsors for contributions, along with setting up the final days of Aarons ride into SF and across the Golden Gate Bridge, along with a final fundraising event/ party for Aaron when he gets home. There is still so much to be excited about, and still so much to share and create wiht this. I have begun to get excited about that now.
Sitting there though, I got up and went and checked the time, and Dan, the owner of hte hostel was like "whats up man?, youg getting ready to go back?"
"yeah. Back to the 'real world' " I replied, and he sat with that for a quick second and responded
"yeah, whatever that means" It was that response that helped me to snap out of the lull, and think about what the real world is. Is it the rat race everyone talks about? No, I thought, the real world is exactly what you make it out to be. You create your world, through your intentions, thoughts, actions, and your conscious. So with that as my catalyst, I began thinking about what I was going to do to keep this fire going when I returned home. To use this gift of learning to be present, focused, and align intention with goals, and make my life, my "real world" exactly what I wanted it to be.
My flight home was a lot of reflection on the trip, little naps, some writing in my journal, and some growing anticipation for the remaining part of this fundraising effort, and cause. I got some work to do, and I am excited about it.
