Dear Aaron - a true source of inspiration

Aaron and I split up - he rolls solo from here
Dear Aaron
Over the last year you have traveled the world, and had experiences that most of us only dream of having. You have created a life for yourself that is of your own making, and you have done it by following your heart, and doing what you always told yourself you would. I have followed your travels, and adventures, and gained an insight into who you are and what makes you tick through reading your blog that you kept while traveling. It wasnt a full view, but I definitely got a glimpse into you that I otherwise would have never gotten. You doing what you did was an inspiration to me, and planted a seed in me, and helped me to believe that following your "heart" was in fact possible. In one of your blogs, you wrote about a conversation you had with some people you were traveling with, and the question came up about what was your favorite part about traveling, what was the one thing that you liked most about it. Your response was so fitting, it could not have been more perfect. They say that what you give to the world, is what you receive back in return, so it could not be more fitting that your response was that you loved that each day you were inspired. You said that some where, some how you were inspired every single day of your travels. Whether it was through a conversation with a random person, something you seen, something you felt, every day was a source of inspiration in one form or another. As it is said, what you give is what you receive, and you my friend, have been an inspiration to me, and as I am sure you are realizing through your efforts becoming an inspiration to many others as well. What you are doing is nothing short of amazing. You are touching peoples lives, you are bringing people together for a cause, giving hope to people, you are allowing people to believe that change is possible, that one person can make a difference, and that by taking things one day at a a time, following your heart, and doing your part, miracles will be a part of your every day life. They will come in all forms, and they will inspire you, me, and everyone in between. The benefits of what you are doing are far reaching, and definitely go way beyond simply helping out impoverished children in Central America. You are helping to plant the seed in all those that are following your ride, that the life we dream of is possible, and we can all be that change we wish to see in the world. I dont think there is anything I can say that can convey to you how fucking proud I am of you, and how happy I am to be able to call you a friend and a brother of mine. I'll see you in San Francisco, and I cannot wait to ride across the Golden Gate Bridge with you, and celebrate a sucessful fundraising effort. Maktub! en'shallah. It is written- God Willing.
love Michael
