Corporate Sponsors? ! ?

The first letters are out. We've begun soliciting some companies for sponsorship, and partnership opportunities. I am very excited about this part of the efforts. We've got the event date set, we have an idea as to when Aaron is going to be riding into CA, and we have some things lined up, or getting lined up for when he gets into the states as far as media coverage goes. It is all exciting. Now it is a matter of letting some companies know about it, companies whose products Aaron has been living on, and loving since he started his ride. We ate Cliff Bars every single day of the ride, while I was down there, and I left Aarn with over 20 of them when I left. They were so good, and were the perfect pick me up in between meals during breaks. We also used GU a lot. That is the little packets of energy GU and that stuff seriously KICKS ASS. I got the assorted flavors box, and while we liked some flavors better than others, they all did an excellent job giving us some pick me up. Both of the products were designed BY and FOR cyclists, so they seem to jsut be the perfect match. So, outside of those two obvious choices, I am putting together a list of some others that may work well. If you have suggestions, feel free to email me. Some things we're going to try to set up as the efforts continue.
1. We're going to be sending out press releases to all TV and Radio stations in the markets Aaron will be riding through on his way from San Diego to San Francisco. I have some contacts at a few places, and have a friend Cynthia who is helping me wiht some other markets as well. We're going to try and get Aaron to be able to call in to different stations, or stop in and be interviewed by the stations, adn talk about the cause, and why he is doing it etc.
2. We're going to be trying to do the same thing with some TV news stations. Perhaps a morning news would like to cover this amazing, inspiring venture.
3. We're going to try and get a group of people to ride with Aaron on the last day, from Pacifica through San Francisco, and across the Golden Gate Bridge. We have 10 weeks befoer he gets here, lets get in shape people.
4. We're looking for a bike shop to donate a bike to be raffled off at the final event on the 25th.
5. The party is on April 25th!! its going to be huge. Jay is coordinating some things wiht various drink vendors, and is lining up the DJs for both dance floors. We;'re going to hold a raffle. Mariachi band for a couple hours. and afew more tricks up my sleeve

I havent ever done anything like this before in my life. This involvement in the cause has brought so many firsts for me already, and they just keep on coming. It feels awesome though. I am getting more and moe excited about it. I was a bit tentative to write the first few letters to request company participation, but once I did, and sent them out, it felt great. We'll see what kind of response we get, and go from there. Talking to companies about increasing their branding image is what I do for a living, so I should be able to help bring about some great partnerships for this as well. We'll see
for now - I'm out
