We named our bikes


So I forgot to mention this yesterday or the day before, but we named our bikes. I thought it would be a good idea to name our bikes. I have found that when you name your car, or bike, or whatever, and take good care of it it will do the same to take care of you. So I named my bike Goodsby. If you have ever seen the movie The Rock with Nicolas Cage adn Sean Connery, you´ll remember that Sean Connerys character always is mispronouncing Cages. His name is Goodsby, but connery keeps calling him Godspeed. So, rather than naming my bike Godspeed, I named it Goodsby, for that reason.
Aaron took a bit longer to think of a name, and in the end I thought of one, and it stuck. As I mentioned we´ve been trying to take this ride one day at a time, and just take it easy. Aaron said something like, Rome was not built in a day, as a reminder one day. I suggested because of that, and to help him to keep that in mind as he makes his way, he should name his bike Ceasar. He liked it, and so it is. Goodsby and Ceasar.


  1. I just watched The Rock this weekend. Here's the line from the movie you're talking about:

    MASON (Sean Connery): But, uh, I'm sure you know the etymology of your name "Goodspeed."

    STANLEY (Nic Cage): Yeah, Godspeed: to wish someone a prosperous journey.

    Good luck you guys! Sounds like a trip of a lifetime!!!


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