Greg Baker

Aaron and I were so blown away the other night when we got an email from our friend adn brother Greg Baker. Greg said he was reading our blogs, and was touched and inspired by what we are doing, and called us crazy sons of bitches. What he did after that was donate some money in his own name, and then wrote to tell us that he was committing to raising 500 from people he knew. This is HUGE!!! He is taking it upon himself to round up some friends and family, and whoever else to help out wiht the cause, because he felt touched by it, and he wants to see us succeed. Since that email we´ve already gotten 150 total from three different people he knows, to go toward this project. It is these types of notes, and this type of support that makes days like these, where the riding is hard, and grueling, so so worht it. Thanks Bakes!!! We love you man!
