Dedicated Day -to Eta Omicron Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi - courtesy of James G.

Pi Kapps in Panama
Aaron showing his link. a symbol of Eta O. He is carrying it on this ride.

So today was our second dedicated day. Aaron got an email last night from James Goyhenetche, who donated 50 to the cause on behalf of himself and his wife Jessica. THANK YOU TWO!!! James asked that on this day we think about Pi Kappa Phi, our memories, our brothers, and how being a part of it has helped to shape and influence us as we´ve grown, or are growing into men. James of course is a brother of ours in the fraternity and has always been a good friend. Always. So last night over dinner Aaron and I began sharing stories, and memories, and catching each other up on events and stories that the other missed or didn't know about.

This morning, the first words out of my mouth to Aaron, I´m a true what? to which he responded I´m a true Pi Kapp. Its a little saying from the fraternity as I am sure you could have guessed. Some of you may be turned off by the thought or sound of the word fraternity. A lot of people have perceptions of fraternities and frat boys, and they aren't all that great. Aaron and I talked about this a little bit, and we both had the same conclusion. Our fraternity is and always has been different than any other we have ever seen, or heard about. Pi Kappa Phi on SF States campus could probably be or is the most diverse group on campus. All different types of people are represented in our brotherhood. We had white, black, latino, native american, jewish, asian, etc. There were rich folks, poor folks, east coast, west coast, goodie goodies, bad boys, muslims, christians, basques, catholics, gay straight, you name it. Diversity, was definitely one of our strengths at Eta O. It was also through the fraternity that Aaron adn I met one another, in the fall of 98 when Aaron rushed the fraternity. Had it not been for that, I know I would not be on this trip right now.

A quick note about James G and some of the things he brought to the fraternity. He always rapped at every rose ball I ever went to. He was the president at one point. He never showed up to any party without beer. He was known to take things once in a while, whether they drove, hung on the wall, or simply did not belong to him. He always had spaghetti dinners over his parents house for all his brothers, and always was there if you needed him. Whether you actually needed something, or just wanted to drink some beers. A great brother, and a better friend.

So on this day, as we made our way, Aaron and I were able to recount story after story, experiecne after experience on what the fraternity, and those we met as a result of it has meant to us and our lives. The truth is, that I have continued to grow and evolve as a result of my experiences and continued bonds with my brothers and I have been out of school now for 10 years. I didn't believe it when they told me when I rushed that I would be a Pi Kapp for life, but I am seeing now that the bonds we got run deep. Being a Pi Kapp has changed my life, and I know that they will all be proud to know that we represented them well today as we rode through and truly enjoyed the ride, and took it in.

thanks James and Jessica for the donation!!! WE LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!

Michael T and Aaron Z.

Screech and Vanilla

080 and 095
