Dedicated Day - Optimism courtesy of Lucy Camacho

So Aaron and I were in Sona for the night, and doing some blogging, and emailing, and we were so excited to have gotten so many donations so far. One of the very generous donations came from a friend of mine, Lucy Camacho, and with her donation she was allowed to have us dedicate a days worth of riding to anyhting she wished. Lucy wrote to me and shared with me a personal story, and how certain events had changed her life, and how she truly felt that Optimism had been the difference between making it, and not making it. So our ride from Sona to Las Lajas, was a day for optimism, to optimism, and what it meant to us, and what it means to her.
Lucy and I have known each ohter for a few years, having worked together at the same place for a few, and now still working in the same industry, in the same city, we see each other fairly often. Still, our friendship always seemed to lean more to the professional side, for whatever reason. I told her about my trip, adn the fundraiser and my blog via facebook and she wrote me back and said that she was inspired. On top of that she donated!. I couldnt believe it, and was so excited and so happy. I am starting to see that perhaps my blog is beginning to open up a side of me, that peole wouldnt have otherwise gotten to know, and as a result, they are feeling more comfortable to share themselves wiht me as well. I think that was the case here, and definintely one of the great things about this trip that I didnt anticipate. I am getting to know people on a different level, and share with them adn them with me more about ourselves that otherwise would have been more difficult. So with that, Lucy I´d like to thank you for your donation, for sharing a bit of yourself with Aaron adn I in wiht your story, and for allowing us to have Optimism for our days dedication!
We sat down for dinner that night, and again at breakfast, and we talked about what it meant to both of us. Aaron said it was all about being positive. Making a concious choice, or choices to be happy, and see hte positivie in situations. I said that optimism is like faith to me. You just know, with all your heart and being, htat things will be ok. You dont think the worst, you believe, deep down that you will pull through it, and that things will be alright. Optimism, postivie thinking, faith, they help you to have and maintain hope when there seemingly is none. When you have it it is strong, and when you have others thinking and feeling it with you, such as friends or family, when you all come together and truly belive , and are optimistic about a cause, or a result, or a goal, or whatever, it makes it that much moer powerful and that much moer likely to happen.
We couldnt have had a better dedication at a better time. We had just crossed over 1000 for donations to the cause, and we were screaming and dancing in an internet cafe. We were seeing some of the other benefits coming from the ride, such as meeting new people, getting to know the people you already know on a different level, having friends support you, and just being excitd that its all happening. We had the longest, and most challenging day to date. Along the way, we had to remind oursleives, and each other to be positive, and to remain optimistic. We made it, it was a helluva ride, and by far the most rewarding. So a big thank you to Lucy Camacho, who I am proud to call my friend, a closer one today than yesterday, thank you for the donation, and for believing in us. Your support helps us to feel the optimism!!!!
