Big Boy Hair

So back when I first got here, which seems now like an eternity ago, Aaron mentioned something to me about ¨Big Boy Hair¨.
A- Mike check you out rockin the big boy hair
M-. what the fuck are you talking about
A. big boy hair! you know, you got big boy hair, me I got little boy hair. he says as he points at our relative doos.
M- Big Boy Hair? what is that
A - you know, its like...umm, its I dont know its big boy hair. Mine its all short and clean, its littel boy hair, got big boy hair
M- Whatever

So over the last few weeks, it has come up time and again. When we go out, its big boy hair comments. When some girls woudl come up to me, aaron would say, its cause the big boy hair. Every time he says it I cant help but laugh, and I still really dont know what the frick he is talking aout. So I think its day five or six, we´re in our room getting ready to go out to dinner, feeling pretty proud of ourselves after the long days ride. An older episoded of Greys Anatomy is on.
A- McDreamy!!! That guy has the pimpest big boy hair!! That guys is the king of Big Boy hair. He is Big Boy hair guy of hte month for like 13 months in a row!!!
When he said this I about fell over I was laughing so hard. It started to occur to me what Big Boy hair was, and yet every time it comes up, I cant help but laughin at Aaron and his apparent envy of those that have it.
So the other day, when we make it to the beach, we are tired as shit. IT was our hardest day. REALLY hard. We´re planning on resting the next day at the beach, and so we decide after that day, and the planned rest, we would enjoy a cuban cigar that we picked up before we left. WE had just eaten a fine fine meal and we have to cut our cigars with a knife, in order to smoke them. So I cut mine, and Aaron cuts his, and we´re sitting and smoking them, enjoying the night, and relaxing. Aaron notices my cut on the cigar, and he says
A- Damn Mikey that is a big ass cut on that cigar, I only cut off a tiny bit.
I look at him and I say
M- This is how men smoke their cigars Aaron.
and befoer he could say another word or respond I hold up my cigar and say ¨Big Boy Cut¨and then point to his and say ¨little boy cut¨
Now you may not think that is funny, but we thoght it was hilarious. I think it may have been cause we were exhausted and a bit dilirious, but it was a great laugh, we got a kick out of it.
