Back in Panama City

So after my bike ride with Wendy, I got all my gear together, and headed down ot the bus stop. Much to my liking I hopped right on the bus, and almost immediately we started on our way. When we got to David, I bought a ticket to Panama City, but that was a bit of a hassle. It took the Fed Ex guy to do a little translating for me, cause the woman spoke no english. turns out I needed to go to a different window. In line I met a panamanian named Edgar. He was so excited to be on the same bus as me, and super excited to meet an American. I told him I would meet him back at the terminal and I headed back to the house, and got my bike, and other bags that I ahd left there over night, while I made the short trip to Boquete.
It was a rushed thing, but I did get my stuff, and get back in time. They hassled me a bit about putting hte bike on the bus, and in the end I had to pay an extra 3 bucks to get it on. I am not sure if that is standard or I got hussled, but whatever. The bus ride was pretty boring for the first half, I just sat and read, or napped. It was SO WEIRD driving on a bus back through the roads I had ridden on my bike. You just zoomed by everything, all the beautiful rivers, and scenery, and views. It was nothing the same, and definitely didnt look anywhere near as beautiful as it did when I was riding. The second part of the bus ride was great. Edgar got to sit up with me, and he was a crack up. He had never met an american before, and loved american culture. He wanted to practice his english, so we talked and talked and talked. At one point he was actually comin up wtih songs he knew in english and we were singing them. That was fun. We sang no doubt to the beatles. He wanted to hang out iwth me on Friday, the next day in panama, and I was like, sure, we can hang out. I gave him the number to the hostel, and my email, but I never heard back from him. Getting in late at about 11 back to Luna's Castle, I got a bed, and I was back to where it all started. It was a trip. I put my stuff away, changed into some shorts, and didnt do much except hang out, read, and go to bed. It was alerady 11 when I got in, and I didnt stay up much past 12 or 1.
In the morning, I got a cab to take me back to the bike shop. Same guy who dropped us off on the side of the freeway at the beginnin gof our trip. Junior was his name. I thought the bike shop would give me shit cause the bike had a broken rack, and a flat tire. NOPE., No questions asked, gave me my 200 deposit back, and away I went. SWEET.
So now its like 11am, I have the entire day to do whatever, and absolutely no clue what to do, who to do it with, or anything like that. I get ready, takea shower, etc etc and afterwards I am hanging out in the living room and get to chatting with a guy named Dan. He is with a group of friend,s and they are all graduate students at Princeton, and they are going to the city park, and to the canal. I had been told I should check out the park, so I asked if I could join them, and they said of course. They were a great group of people, and I am glad I was able to find some great people to hang out wiht. I ended up going ot the canal with them and seeing it again, what else was I gonna do I asked myself? IT was just as cool as the first time, and this time, I got to see some HUGE cargo ships passing, and it was wild to be so close to something so big. I also got to learn a bit more abou the canal, and I cant get over what an impressive engineering feat that is.
The last part of my day, i just hung out, and ended up going out to eat some dinner on my own. I went to a nicer place, an Indian Restaraunt named Indigo, and ate some chicken curry and rice. MMMM it was good. A bit spicey, but not ot much to be unbearable. After that I bought a cigar, and walked around a bit, smokin that. That was about it. I got back, and got my stuff ready for the morning, nad now I am sitting here typing this, and goingto be getting a cab in a few hours to begin my flight back home.
I have so mnay things I want to share about panama. About this trip, and what it has done to me, and for me. This trip has been one inspiration after another, and from so many sources. I'll get to more on that next time.
Dont forget to keep up on Aaron's blog as he continues the fundraiser. He is in Costa Rica now, and will be stoppin along the way at different PLAN USA project sites, and meeting hte children he will be helping.
